Education and training, young people, culture and sports

    Preparation of 2 project proposals for application under OP Science and Education for Smart Growth, Priority Axis 3 “Educational environment for active social inclusion”

      Contracting Authority:

      Varna Municipality

    Preparation of 2 pcs. Application forms under the Erasmus + OP

      Contracting Authority:

      Varna Municipality

    Consulting services for management and monitoring of three projects funded by the Rural Development Programme for the period 2007-2013, Lot № 2: Management and monitoring of the project “Addition, reconstruction and modernization of the Sports Hall – Veliki Preslav”, according to contract № 27/321/01244 from 27.11.2012.

      Contracting Authority:

      Veliki Preslav Municipality

    Consulting services for management and reporting of three projects financed under the “Rural Development Programme” for the period 2007-20113, Lot позиция 3 Consultations for management of the project “Cultural Center – Byala”, according to contract № 03/321/01364

      Contracting Authority:

      Byala Municipality

    Consulting services for management and reporting of three projects financed under the “Rural Development Programme” for the period 2007-20113, Lot № 1 Consulting services on management and reporting of the project “Rehabilitation and modernization of the sports complex “Chernomorets” in Byala, according to contract № 03/321/01287

      Contracting Authority:

      Byala Municipality

    Detailed design for the project: Reconstruction and change of purpose of an existing building in the Training Center – “Green Center – nature for us and us for nature” in Regulated Land 1, kz.30, square №144, Avren village, municipality. Krumovgrad, financed under OP CBC Bulgaria-Greece 2007-2013

      Contracting Authority:

      Krumovgrad Municipality

    Conducting trainings for experts engaged in the management of EU-funded projects in the Municipality of Kavarna

      Contracting Authority:

      Kavarna Municipality

    Consulting services for preparation of financial analysis for application underOperational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013, Grant Scheme: BG161PO001 / 3.1-03 / 2010 “Support for the development of natural, cultural and historical attractions”

      Contracting Authority:

      Balchik Municipality

    Consulting services for preparation of an application form under Operational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013, Grant Scheme: BG161PO001 / 3.1-03 / 2010 “Support for the creation and promotion of innovative cultural events for the project proposal of the municipality Balchik.

      Contracting Authority:

      Balchik Municipality

    Consulting services for preparation of an application form under Operational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013, Grant Scheme: BG161PO001 / 1.1-10 / 2010 “Support for the creation and promotion of innovative cultural events for the project proposal of the municipality Balchik.

      Contracting Authority:

      Balchik Municipality

    Provision of consulting services related to the preparation of documentation for conducting public procurement procedures, under the PPL and NVMOP, according to Contract BG161PO001 / 1.1-07 / 2009 “Reconstruction and modernization of the library and providing an accessible environment for people with disabilities at MU Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov – Varna”, funded by Operational Programme Regional Development

      Contracting Authority:

      Medical University Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov

    Preparation of a pilot project of PPP-Construction of swimming and sports complex “Slaveykov” and steps for its implementation

      Contracting Authority:

      Burgas Municipality

    Conducting training on the topic: Financial management, control and monitoring of projects under operational programmes of structural and cohesion funds of the European Union

      Contracting Authority:

      Fisk Consulting