
We offer various types of consultations, including:

In the field of State Aide we offer:

  • Consultations of public sector bodies on the applicable state aid regimes;
  • Consultations for services of general economic interest;
  • Consultations on block exemption from state aid;
  • Consultations on the application of state aid rules in specific sectors;
  • Consultations on horizontal, vertical and regional state aid.

Legal advice

Financial advice


``Expert services for assessment of compliance of the activities financed with the municipal budget with the legislation in the field of state aid`` - Ruse Municipality

``Provision of consulting services to the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo for implementation of the legislation in the field of state aid``

Research and development of schemes and / or conditions in accordance with the state aid regime in the field of culture and support the needs of the municipality of Rousse

``Provision of consulting services to the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme ``Good Governance`` in connection with the application of state aid rules in the implementation of the programme.``

Provision of specialized expert assistance in connection with ensuring compliance of OP ``Regional Development`` 2007-2013 and OP ``Regions in Growth`` 2014-2020 (OPRG) with the applicable state aid regime