Administrative capacity and public sector

Our experience includes projects and activities that aim to raise opportunities and contribute to the implementation of policies in the fields of administrative capacity building and public sector development. It includes as well projects supporting the improvement of the efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector. We offer services related to building administrative capacity, improving the management of institutions, State Aid consultations, Preparation of application forms / project proposals in full scope, programme assessments, providing technical assistance and external expertise related to preparation and implementation of Calls and Grant procedures. We also offer various trainings related to project management, as well as state aid regimes.

Some of the last projects we have implemented in the sector are:

Research and development of schemes and / or conditions in accordance with the state aid regime in the field of culture and support the needs of the municipality of Rousse

``Provision of consulting services to the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme ``Good Governance`` in connection with the application of state aid rules in the implementation of the programme.``

Ex-post evaluation of the implementation, results and impact of the Operational Programme ``Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy 2007-2013''

Preparation of a preliminary assessment in connection with the preparation of OP ``Good Governance`` for the new programming period 2014-2020.

Ex-post evaluation of the Rural Development Programme / 2007-2013 /