Transport, telecommunications and energy

Our experience includes projects and activities that aim to raise opportunities and contribute to the implementation of policies in the fields of transport, telecommunications and energy. We offer services related to providing technical assistance, the most appropriate external expertise, elaboration of different rules and procedures, manuals, assessments, and analyses related to the whole project cycle incl. programming and preparation phase like Calls, and Tender Dossiers and implementation phases like Contracts, Programmes, and Grant schemes implementation.

Some of the last projects we have implemented in the sector are:

Selection of a technical consultant for the implementation of the activities under the project ``Modernization and development of sustainable urban transport in the city of Plovdiv``

Preparation of a strategy for improvement of the TEN-T network by improving the capacity of intermodal nodes in the cross-border region Romania-Bulgaria, within the project ``Study of the possibilities for reducing the use of TEN-T network in the cross-border region Romania-Bulgaria by optimizing freight and passenger transport and development of a joint mechanism to support intermodal connections``

Development of financial sensitivity analysis and risk assessment and economic analysis in connection with the supply and installation of a traffic management system - Sofia, in order to apply for funding from the European Investment Bank

Development of a National Communication Strategy for Road Safety for the period 2020 - 2024

Development of financial analysis of sensitivity and risk assessment and economic analysis, in order to apply for co-financing by the European Investment Bank for sites of the Programme for construction and rehabilitation of transport infrastructure of Sofia Municipality for the period 2013-2016.