Preparation and evaluation of project proposals

    “Development of a methodology for limited access of motor vehicles on the territory of the Sofia Municipality – zoning, modeling and data. Preparation of a White Paper with results”

      Contracting Authority:

      Sofia Municipality

    “Assisting the Managing Authority of the Operational Program “Good Governance 2014-2020″ in the evaluation of project proposals under the procedure for increasing civil participation in the processes of implementation and monitoring of policies and legislation (ISUN No. BG05SFOP001-2.025)”

      Contracting Authority:

      Administration of the Council of Ministers

    Provision of consulting services for preparation and submission of a project proposal under a procedure through direct submission BG14MFOP001-5.11 “Marketing measures” of the Maritime and Fishieries Programme 2014-2020

      Contracting Authority:

      Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry

    “Implementation of consulting services for preparation of applications for support, tender documentation, management and reporting of the project” Rehabilitation of existing municipal roads and facilities and accessories to them in the Municipality of Lesichovo – first stage “under sub-measure 7.2. Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure of Measure 7 – Basic services and renewal of rural villages of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020”

      Contracting Authority:

      Lesichovo Municipality

    Provision of consulting services for preparation of project proposals of Bulgarian SME Promotion Agency, which will be financed with funds underOperational Programme “Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 (OPIC) and under the program for transnational cooperation Interreg-V-B “Balkans-Mediterranean” 2014- 2020. “

      Contracting Authority:

      Bulgarian SME Promotion Agency

    Provision of consulting services for preparation of project proposals of BSMEPA, which will be financed with funds under OP “Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 (OPIC) and under the programme for transnational cooperation Interreg-V-B “Balkans-Mediterranean” 2014- 2020. “

      Contracting Authority:

      Bulgarian SME Promotion Agency

    Preparation of a project proposal and preparation of supporting documents for the Bulgarian partner/s in accordance with the Guidelines for application under the Second Call for Proposals under the Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020.

      Contracting Authority:

      Petrich Municipality

    Preparation of 2 pcs. Application forms under the Erasmus + OP

      Contracting Authority:

      Varna Municipality

    Method of financing the cultural monuments (transnational exchange of information, systematic analysis), under the project CultTour – cultural (garden) heritage as focal points for sustainable tourism “, implemented with the financial support of the Program for Transnational Cooperation in SE Europe 2007-2013, Priority Axis 4 Creating transnational synergies for sustainable growth, area of intervention 4.3 Promoting the use of cultural values for sustainable development

      Contracting Authority:

      Veliko Tarnovo Municipality

    Preparation of an application form under the Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” for the provision of electronic services, creation of a digitalization center and digitization of the archive

      Contracting Authority:

      Ministry of Defence

    Preparation of a project proposal for application under Operational Programme Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy 2007-2013, open procedure for competitive selection of projects with a certain application deadline BG161PO003-1.1.07 “Implementation of innovations in enterprises”

      Contracting Authority:

      Pay Fast Sofia

    Preparation of an application form for funding of axis 5 “Technical assistance” of OPT under the project “Organization and maintenance of the available archive of projects under OPT” and preparation of an application form for funding under the appropriate priority axis of Operational Programme Human Resources Development of the project “Support for regional RIA structures responsible for maintaining the national road network

      Contracting Authority:

      Road Infrastructure Agency

    Preparation of an application for confirmation of a subsidy under Articles 39-41 of Regulation (EC) № 1083/2006 and Cost-benefit analyzes in part financial analysis, sensitivity analysis and risk analysis for the project “Integrated system for analysis and assessment of traffic on motorways and first class roads on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, which are part of the TEN-T networks”

      Contracting Authority:

      Road Infrastructure Agency

    Completion of the package of application documents under measure 321 “Basic services for the population and the economy in rural areas” of the Rural Development Programme for the period 2007-2013 in connection with the project “Reconstruction and replacement of internal water supply network of “Petarnica”

      Contracting Authority:

      Dolni Dabnik Municipality

    Completion of the package of application documents under measure 321 “Basic services for the population and the economy in rural areas” of the RDP for the period 2007-2013 in connection with projects: “Rehabilitation of a municipal road from km. 0 + 000 to km. 7 +400 kp Kitna – village Gorski izvor, from km 0 + 000 to km 0 + 750 and from km 2 + 550 to km 6 + 700 from the junction Kirkovo village – Zavoya village – Druzhintsi village to the fork of the village of Chakalarovo, from km 0 + 000 to km 7 + 300 with a length of 3 150 m. from the fork for the village of Chakalarovo to the village of Gorno Kapinovo, Kirkovo municipality “and project” Construction of a sports ground in Regulated Land II , quarter 14 according to the plan of the village of Fotinovo-center, Kirkovo municipality “and” Construction of a sports ground in Regulated Land V, St. 10 according to the plan of the village of Ostrovets, Kirkovo municipality”

      Contracting Authority:

      Kirkovo Municipality

    Provision of consulting assistance for preparation of a project proposal of Sofia Municipality: Construction of a Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) on the Lesnovska River in the area of ​​the village of Dolni Bogrov for wastewater treatment from settlements: Kremikovtsi Seslavtsi, Botunets quarter, Buhovo, Yana village, Gorni Bogrov village, Krivina village, Kazichene village and drainage collectors from the settlements to the WWTP – first A stage for Kremikovtsi and Seslavtsi ”, Including discharge collector III (Seslavtsi / RSh 57 /, SSh 9, SSh 8, PS № 1 / Kremikovtsi-Seslavtsi /); outlet collector IV (Kremikovtsi / existing shaft /, collection shaft № 9 of outlet collector ІІІ) and part of outlet collector V (collection shaft № 7, inspection shaft № 3b / in front of WWTP /) ”. Code under CPC – 79421200

      Contracting Authority:

      Sofia Municipality

    Services with subject: “Experts for project support:” Bulgarian-Greek partnership through support, services and solutions to promote an open regional team”

      Contracting Authority:

      Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza”

    Consulting services for preparation of an application form for Lets Do Ltd. under a project selection procedure BG161PO003-2.1.12 “coverage of internationally recognized standards and introduction of management systems in enterprises” under Operational Programme “Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy” 2007 -2013

      Contracting Authority:

      Lets Do Ltd

    Consulting services for preparation of an application form for Noema Ltd. under a project selection procedure BG161PO003-2.1.12 “coverage of internationally recognized standards and introduction of management systems in enterprises” under Operational Programme “Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy” 2007 -2013

      Contracting Authority:

      Noema Ltd

    Consulting services for preparation of an application form of Inside BG Ltd. under a project selection procedure BG161PO003-2.1.12 “coverage of internationally recognized standards and introduction of management systems in enterprises” under Operational Programme “Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy” 2007 -2013

      Contracting Authority:

      Inside BG

    Consulting services for preparation of an application form for Jan Kofi Break OOD under a project selection procedure BG161PO003-2.1.12 “coverage of internationally recognized standards and introduction of management systems in enterprises” under Operational Programme “Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy” 2007 -2013

      Contracting Authority:

      Yan Coffee break

    Consulting services for preparation of an application form for Global-Net Solutions EOOD under a project selection procedure BG161PO003-2.1.12 “coverage of internationally recognized standards and introduction of management systems in enterprises” under Operational Programme “Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy” 2007 -2013

      Contracting Authority:

      Global Net Solutions

    Consulting services for preparation of an application form and financial analysis for a project: “Extension and reconstruction of part of the existing hospital buildings in the ward for diagnosis and radiotherapy of oncological diseases” under a grant scheme: BG161PO001 / 1.1-11 / 2011 , Support for reconstruction / renovation and equipment of municipal medical institutions in urban agglomerations, Operational Programme Regional Development.

      Contracting Authority:

      Haskovo Municipality

    Consulting assistance in the development of the project “Investing in the health and well-being of young people in the CBC region” of the Municipality of Bansko on priority axis 1: Quality of life, Area of intervention 1.3: Cooperation and networking on health and social issues, The European Territorial Cooperation Programme Bulgaria-Greece 2007-2013

      Contracting Authority:

      Bansko Municipality

    Preparation of application form and project budget: 1.1 “Rehabilitation and reconstruction of municipal road HKV 2222 / 1-8, Haskovo-Harmanli-Polyanovo-border Municipality / Harmanli-Simeonovgrad-Konstantinovo / III 8007 / to apply for a second call for recruitment of project proposals under the Programme for European Territorial Cooperation Bulgaria – Greece 2007-2013 Priority Axis 2: Accessibility, area of ​​intervention 2.1: Development of road and railway network, 1.2 “Care and accommodation with respect for residents” to apply for a second call for call for project proposals under the Programme for European Territorial Cooperation Bulgaria-Greece 2007-2013 Priority axis: Quality of life, Area of ​​intervention 1.3, Cooperation and networking on health and social issues

      Contracting Authority:

      Harmanly Municipality

    Preparation of application form and budget of the project “Roads Open Access To Deliver Safety” for application under the second call for project proposals under the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Bulgaria-Greece 2007-2013, Priority Axis 2: Accessibility, area of intervention 2.1: Development of road and railway network

      Contracting Authority:

      Haskovo Municipality

    Consulting assistance in the development of the project “Center for temporary accommodation of homeless persons” of the Municipality of Dimitrovgrad under priority axis 1 “quality of life”, area of intervention 1.3 “Cooperation and networking on health and social welfare” of the European territorial cooperation Greece-Bulgaria

      Contracting Authority:

      Dimitrovgrad Municipality

    Consulting assistance in the development of the project “Dimitrovgrad for access” of the Municipality of Dimitrovgrad under priority axis 2 “Accessibility” Area of intervention 2.1. “Development of the road and railway network” of the programme for European territorial cooperation Greece-Bulgaria “2007-2013

      Contracting Authority:

      Dimitrovgrad Municipality

    Consulting services for preparation of an application form under Operational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013, Grant Scheme: BG161PO001 / 3.1-03 / 2010 “Support for the creation and promotion of innovative cultural events for the project proposal of the municipality Balchik.

      Contracting Authority:

      Balchik Municipality

    Contract for preparation of a preliminary selection of projects covering certain quality requirements, with several application deadlines BG161PO003-1.1.05 “Development of innovations by start-ups” with the name of the project “Development of ultra-thin, multifunctional ceramic insulating paint-coating STI -CNT, Priority Axis 1: “Development of knowledge-based economy and innovation activities, Scope 1.1: “Support for innovation activities in enterprises”, Operation 1.1.1: “Support for the creation and development of start-up innovative enterprises”.

      Contracting Authority:

      Nanotechnology centre

    Consulting services for preparation of an application form under Operational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013, Grant Scheme: BG161PO001 / 1.1-10 / 2010 “Support for the creation and promotion of innovative cultural events for the project proposal of the municipality Balchik.

      Contracting Authority:

      Balchik Municipality

    Preparation of an application form and completion of the project proposal according to the requirements of an open project selection procedure, covering certain quality requirements several application deadlines: BG161PO003-1.1.04 “Support for implementation in the production of innovative products, processes and provision of innovative services Operational Programme “Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy” 2007 -2013

      Contracting Authority:


    Contract for consulting services for “Development of an Internet portal “under project: BG0026 “Strengthening the capacity of local authorities in the Northwest region to plan Bulgaria to attract foreign investors, institutional support for investment and IT solutions for administrative services”

      Contracting Authority:

      Bulgarian Economic Forum

    Contract for consulting services for preparation of an application form of “BSB-FOCUS” Ltd. under a project selection procedure: BG161PO003-2.1.08 “Meeting non-internationally recognized standards” under the Operational Programme “Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy”

      Contracting Authority:


    Contract for consulting services for preparation of an application form for Timex-BG OOD under a project selection procedure: BG161PO003-2.1.08 “Meeting non-internationally recognized standards” under the Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy”

      Contracting Authority:


    Contract for consulting services for preparation of an application form of BULGARTRANSGAZ EAD under a project selection procedure: BG161PO003-2.1.08 “Meeting non-internationally recognized standards” under the Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy”

      Contracting Authority:


    Contract for consulting services for preparation of an application form for Global-Net Solutions under a project selection procedure: BG161PO003-2.1.08 “Meeting non-internationally recognized standards” under the Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy”

      Contracting Authority:

      Global Net Solutions

    Preparation of a pilot project of PPP-Construction of swimming and sports complex “Slaveykov” and steps for its implementation

      Contracting Authority:

      Burgas Municipality

    Study and consultation on the possibilities of the ASSIGNOR for application under the Operational Programme “Regional Development (2007-2013)” (OPRD), grant scheme BG161РО001 / 1.4-05 / 2009: “Support for integrated and sustainable development through improving the urban environment”; p.2. Development of a project proposal under the Grant Scheme: BG161РО001 / 1.4–05 / 2009: “Support for integrated and sustainable development by improving the urban environment” according to the application guidelines published by the Managing Authority of OPRD, which includes a form for application and appendices to it.

      Contracting Authority:

      Targovishte Municipality

    Preparation of an Offer for Participation in a Public Procurement with Subject “Subscription Services and Development of the Information System Unified Data Warehouse – Banking Supervision Reports (EHD-OBN) and Assignor BNB

      Contracting Authority:
