Assessments and analyses

    “Preparation of a financial analysis of the project “Aestheticization and modernization of the urban environment in Varna”

      Contracting Authority:

      Varna Municipality

    Preparation of a Cost and Benefit Analysis for Project Proposal of the Municipality of Pomorie under Procedure BG14MFOP001-1.024 – “Fishing ports, landing piers, fish markets and marinas” Sector “Investments aimed at construction and modernization of marinas”

      Contracting Authority:

      Municipality of Pomorie

    “Preparation of an analysis of the Bulgarian and European practices in the field of natural resources (mineral resources) and a concept for possible solutions for improving the concession policy for mineral resources” in the Republic of Bulgaria in implementation of Project BG05SFOPR001-2.011 “Improvement of the concession policy” funded by the Operational Programme Good Governance

      Contracting Authority:

      Administration of Council of Ministers

    Conformity assessment of redefined projects under the programme “Environmental protection and climate change” under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021

      Contracting Authority:

      Ministry of Environment and Water

    Preparation of an evaluation plan and mid-term evaluation of the progress of the Maritime and Fisheries Programme 2014-2020

      Contracting Authority:

      Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry

    Performing evaluations of the implementation of Operational Programme “Environment 2014-2020 “.

      Contracting Authority:

      Ministry of Environment and Water

    Preparation of financial analysis under a project for construction of social housing in Varna under Priority Axis 1″Sustainable and integrated urban development”, procedure BG16RPOP001-1.002 “Implementation of integrated plans for urban rehabilitation and development 2014-2020 – Varna”, part from procedure BG16RFOP001-1.001-039 “Implementation of the integrated plans for urban reconstruction and development 2014-2020” of the Operational Programme “Growing Regions” 2014-2020

      Contracting Authority:

      Varna Municipality

    “Development and implementation of a system for collecting information to monitor progress in the implementation of the measures for the Waste Prevention Programme”

      Contracting Authority:

      Ministry of Environment and Water

    Preparation of Cost-Benefit Analysis regarding the project proposal “Reconstruction and modernization of the fishing port of Pomorie – Phase II”

      Contracting Authority:

      Pomorie Municipality

    Ex-post evaluation of the Rural Development Programme / 2007-2013 /

      Contracting Authority:

      Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry

    Preparation of Cost-Benefit Analysis in connection with the project proposal “Modernization and reconstruction of the fishing port “Quarantine”, “Quarantine” area, “Asparuhovi” district, Varna municipality

      Contracting Authority:

      Varna Municipality

    Analysis of the needs planned for assignment this year, related to the Investment Programme of the Supreme Judicial Court in order to determine the subject of public procurement and separate positions and preparation of a full set of public procurement documents, as well as assistance in conducting the procedures

      Contracting Authority:

      Supreme Judicial Court

    Analysis of the organizational structure, including relations with managers and operators of the infrastructure of the technology park, review of the management and control system and preparation of proposals for internal rules for compliance with the requirements and conditions of the applicable regimes for providing compatible state aid

      Contracting Authority:

      Sofia Tech Park

    Providing expert support to the Managing Authority in the implementation of the evaluation processes and selection of project proposals under grant schemes procedures under Operational Program “Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 by providing external evaluators

      Contracting Authority:

      Ministry of Economy and Energy

    Ex-post evaluation of the implementation, results and impact of the Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy 2007-2013”

      Contracting Authority:

      Ministry of Economy and Energy

    Provision of consulting services to the Municipality of Varna for implementation of the legislation in the field of state aid

      Contracting Authority:

      Varna Municipality

    Assessment of the administrative capacity and workload of the MA, the first level control unit and the joint secretariats of the cross-border cooperation programmes INTERREG-IPA 2014-2020 between Bulgaria and Serbia, Turkey and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and identification of training needs 2016.

      Contracting Authority:

      Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works

    Analysis of the economic costs and lost benefits for Sofia Municipality from appealing against acts related to the realization of investment intentions

      Contracting Authority:

      Sofia Municipality

    Research and analysis of competitiveness and innovation in the districts of Haskovo, Kardzhali, Smolyan and Blagoevgrad

      Contracting Authority:

      Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza”

    Financial analysis to the final financial statement of a grant agreement № BG161PO001 /1.1-11/2011/019 “Reconstruction and renovation of the health infrastructure of the Complex Oncology Center – Veliko Tarnovo”

      Contracting Authority:

      Veliko Tarnovo Municipality

    Agro-ecological and economic assessment of the benefits of the project activities implemented by the Municipality of Lyubimets, related to the reduction of production costs in the cultivation of crops “under the project: “AGRO_LESS”, funded by the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013, grant agreement № B3.11.02.

      Contracting Authority:

      Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza”

    Preparation of a preliminary assessment in connection with the preparation of OP “Good Governance” for the new programming period 2014-2020.

      Contracting Authority:

      Administration of Council of Ministers

    Assessment of the administrative capacity of the central structures operating under the Structural Funds financed under Priority Axis 1 (PA1) of the Operational Programme “Technical Assistance” (OPTA)

      Contracting Authority:

      Administration of Council of Ministers

    “Evaluation of the NSRF 2007-2013 for Bulgaria and the Partnership Agreement 2014-2020 for Bulgaria in terms of policies related to and leading to entrepreneurship, competitiveness, innovation and smart specialization and analysis of the priorities and objectives of cross-border cooperation programmes in terms of Smart Specialization and outlining proposals for cooperation between the regions of Bulgaria and Greece” under the project: “Smart Specialization”, funded by the European Territorial Cooperation Programme “Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013”, grant agreement № B3.32.02 / 31.12. 2013

      Contracting Authority:

      Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza”

    Development of financial sensitivity analysis and risk assessment and economic analysis in connection with the supply and installation of a traffic management system – Sofia, in order to apply for funding from the European Investment Bank

      Contracting Authority:

      Sofia Municipality

    Carrying out a functional analysis of the municipal administration of Malko Tarnovo within the project “Modern and effective administration of the Municipality of Malko Tarnovo” , in implementation of Contract № 13-11-11 / 16.09.2013, grant scheme № BG051PO002 / 13 /1.1-07, Sub-priority 1.1. “Effective structure of the state administration”, Priority axis I “Good governance” under the Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” 2007 – 2013

      Contracting Authority:

      Malko Tarnovo Municipality

    Financial analysis for completion of the project “Construction of a radiotherapy complex at the Specialized Hospital for Active Treatment in Oncology – Haskovo EOOD, Haskovo

      Contracting Authority:

      Haskovo Municipality

    Ex-ante assessment and strategy for effective implementation of the financial instruments under Operational Programme Environment 2014-2020

      Contracting Authority:

      Ministry of Finance

    Analysis and evaluation of the implementation of the municipal development plan of the municipality of Veliki Preslav for the period 2007-2013″, Activity 3 under a grant agreement with Reg. № 13-13-160 / 08.11.2012, concluded between the MA of OPAC and the Municipality of Veliki Preslav

      Contracting Authority:

      Veliki Preslav Municipality

    Implementation of activities under the project “Improvement of the work of the municipal administration of Pomorie, by optimizing the structure and increasing its efficiency and effectiveness”, Contract № 13-11-36 / 19.08.2013. Under OPAC, priority axis I “Good governance”, sub-priority “Effective structure of the state administration” under budget line BG051PO002 / 13 / 1.1-07 for 2007-2013.

      Contracting Authority:

      Pomorie Municipality

    Preparation of a functional analysis of the Municipality of Samokov, development of a manual for improvement of adm. Structure, development of a mechanism for monitoring the functioning of the structure, development of a municipal programme for training and retraining, organization and implementation of events

      Contracting Authority:

      Samokov Municipality

    Study for collecting information on the migration process in Bulgaria and specifically in Haskovo district, reference number BG EIF 2011 / 01-02.03 / Service – study of the project “From and for migrants – what else needs to be known”, funded by the European Integration Fund , according to a grant agreement № BG 2011 / 01-02.03

      Contracting Authority:

      Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza”

    Development of financial analysis of sensitivity and risk assessment and economic analysis, in order to apply for co-financing by the European Investment Bank for sites of the Programme for construction and rehabilitation of transport infrastructure of Sofia Municipality for the period 2013-2016.

      Contracting Authority:

      Sofia Municipality

    Preparation of an independent expert assessment of the risk of double financing under the project “Technical Assistance for exploring the possibility of implementing an investment project” Super Burgas – public access area”, funded under Priority Axis 5″ Technical Assistance “of the Operational Programme “Transport” 2007- 2013

      Contracting Authority:

      State Enterprise "Port Infrastructure"

    “Strengthening the capacity and improving the efficiency of the work of the MA of Operational Programme “Technical Assistance “, in connection with the project №0037-MA-1.4 “Supporting the functions of the MA of Operational Programme “Technical Assistance” in the process of implementation and monitoring of the programme.

      Contracting Authority:

      Council of Ministers

    Consulting services for preparation of financial analysis for application underOperational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013, Grant Scheme: BG161PO001 / 3.1-03 / 2010 “Support for the development of natural, cultural and historical attractions”

      Contracting Authority:

      Balchik Municipality

    Financial analysis in connection with the project: “Improvement of the tourist attractions and the related infrastructure in the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo” under the scheme for granting financial aid BG161PO001 / 3.1-0282009 “Support for the tourist attractions”

      Contracting Authority:

      Veliko Tarnovo Municipality

    Market research, direct recruitment and selection of potential experts needed to work on the project: “EU support to the customs and tax administration in Kosovo”

      Contracting Authority:

      Global Net Solutions