
Consulting services for the management of project “Reconstruction and rehabilitation of the water supply network of Malorad village – Borovan municipality and Lipnitsa village – Mizia municipality” financed under sub-measure 7.2. “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure”, measure 7 “Basic services and renewal of villages in rural areas” of the Rural Development Program for the period 2014-2020.

“Provision of consulting services at the request of municipalities for the preparation and adoption of strategic, planning and program documents at the local level for access to EU funds during program period 2021-2027; pos. 2. For the needs of the municipalities of the North Central Region (SCR): 71 municipalities, incl. three big cities (Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse and Varna)”

Completed activities • Elaboration of an Integrated Development Plan of Devnya Municipality 2021-2027. Beneficiary: Municipality of Devnya • Program for promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and biofuels. Beneficiary: Municipality of Shabla • Short-term Program for promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and biofuels. Beneficiary: Municipality of Valchi dol • Long-term Program for promotion of...

Provision of consulting services at the request of municipalities for the preparation and adoption of strategic, planning and program documents at the local level for access to EU funds during program period 2021-2027; pos. 3. For the needs of the municipalities of the South-East Region (South-East Region) and South Central Region (South-Central Region): 91 municipalities, incl. three big cities (Plovdiv, Stara Zagora and Burgas)

Completed activities • Overview/Assessment of the Integrated Development Plan of Sarnitsa Municipality. Beneficiary: Municipality of Sarnitsa • Annual report for monitoring of the implementation of the Integrated Development plan of the Municipality of Nova Zagora. Beneficiary: Municipality of Nova Zagora • Preliminary assessment of the socio-economic impact of the Integrated Development Plan of the Municipality of Belovo. Beneficiary: Municipality of...

Development of strategic documents of Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo in two lots. For lot 1 Carrying out the ex-post evaluation of the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) 2014-2020 of the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo and supporting the preparation of a final report – report on the implementation of the Integrated Plan for Urban Reconstruction and Development (IPGVR) 2014 – 2020 of the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo

Selection of external members, part of the project management team “Design and construction of anaerobic installation for separately collected biodegradable waste on the territory of Regional Waste Management Association Ruse”, according to the project “Design and construction of anaerobic installation for separately collected biodegradable waste on Regional Waste Management Association Ruse” with registration number of the procedure №BG16M1OP002-2.004 “Design and construction of anaerobic installations for separately collected biodegradable waste” under PO 2 of Operational Programme Environment 2014-2020

Selection of external experts for participation in the management of the project “Improvement of the conservation status of species and types of natural habitats on the territory of Protected Area BG0000209 “Pirin” for protection of natural habitats and wild flora and fauna included in the list adopted by Decision № 122/2007 of the Council of Ministers (promulgated, SG, issue 21/2007) / protected territory “Pirin National Park”

Project Management Consulting Services № 02/07/2/0/00726 “Reconstruction of site: Municipal road BGS1149 / III 906, Kableshkovo – Burgas / – Kamenar – Pomorie”, financed under sub-measure 7.2 “Investments in the creation, improvement or the extension of all types of small-scale infrastructure” of measure 7 “Basic services and rural renewal” of the Rural Development Programme for the period 2014-2020″