Economy, budget and finance

    Elaboration of an integrated plan for urban reconstruction and development of the town of Sevlievo

      Contracting Authority:

      Sevlievo Municipality

    Consulting services related to the implementation and reporting of the activities under two projects financed under the rural development programme for the period 2007-2013, measure 321 “Basic services for the population and the economy in rural areas”, separate position №: 2 «Consulting services , related to the implementation and reporting of the activities under the project “Integrated project for repair and reconstruction of sports facilities on the territory of the municipality of Hissarya”, according to contract № 16/321/01283 from 27.11.2012.

      Contracting Authority:

      Hissarya Municipality

    Preparation of an integrated plan for urban reconstruction and development of the town of Troyan with a time horizon until 2020.

      Contracting Authority:

      Troyan Municipality

    Consulting services related to the implementation and reporting of the activities under three projects financed under the Rural Development Programme for the period 2007-2013, measure 321 “Basic services for the population and the economy in rural areas” and measure 322 “Renovation and development of settlements”, Lot № 1: «Consulting services related to the implementation and reporting of the project activities« Reconstruction of water supply network and restoration of street pavement in the villages of Enitsa and Lazarovo, Kneja municipality and rehabilitation of municipal road PVN 1091 / II-13 (Kneja – Iskar) – the village of Brenitsa (III-1304) from km 0 + 000 to km 5 + 754.78, Kneja Municipality ”until the payment of the aid”, according to contract № 15/321/01181 dated 19.11.2012

      Contracting Authority:

      Knezha Municipality

    Contract for preparation of a preliminary selection of projects covering certain quality requirements, with several application deadlines BG161PO003-1.1.05 “Development of innovations by start-ups” with the name of the project “Development of ultra-thin, multifunctional ceramic insulating paint-coating STI -CNT, Priority Axis 1: “Development of knowledge-based economy and innovation activities, Scope 1.1: “Support for innovation activities in enterprises”, Operation 1.1.1: “Support for the creation and development of start-up innovative enterprises”.

      Contracting Authority:

      Nanotechnology centre

    Financial analysis in connection with the project: “Improvement of the tourist attractions and the related infrastructure in the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo” under the scheme for granting financial aid BG161PO001 / 3.1-0282009 “Support for the tourist attractions”

      Contracting Authority:

      Veliko Tarnovo Municipality

    Market research, direct recruitment and selection of potential experts needed to work on the project: “EU support to the customs and tax administration in Kosovo”

      Contracting Authority:

      Global Net Solutions

    Study and consultation on the possibilities of the ASSIGNOR for application under the Operational Programme “Regional Development (2007-2013)” (OPRD), grant scheme BG161РО001 / 1.4-05 / 2009: “Support for integrated and sustainable development through improving the urban environment”; p.2. Development of a project proposal under the Grant Scheme: BG161РО001 / 1.4–05 / 2009: “Support for integrated and sustainable development by improving the urban environment” according to the application guidelines published by the Managing Authority of OPRD, which includes a form for application and appendices to it.

      Contracting Authority:

      Targovishte Municipality

    Preparation of documentation for participation in a public procurement with subject: Repair and reconstruction of school buildings in the city of Plovdiv under a project funded by the Operational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013, grant scheme BG161PO001 / 1.1.-01/2007 – Support for providing appropriate and cost-effective educational, social and cultural infrastructure, contributing to the development of sustainable urban areas, with the following lots: 1. Lot 1: Repair and reconstruction of school EG “Ivan Vazov”, Plovdiv, 2. Lot 2: Repair and reconstruction of a dormitory at the school “Ivan Vazov”, Plovdiv, 3. Lot 3: Repair and reconstruction of a school “Dimitar Matevski”, Plovdiv, 4. Lot 4: Repair and reconstruction of school MG “Academician K. Popov”, Plovdiv. 1.2. Preparation of documentation for participation in a public procurement with subject: Construction supervision for implementation of the project “Repair and reconstruction of school buildings in the city of Plovdiv” funded by the Operational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013, grant scheme BG161PO001 / 1.1 .-01/2007 – Support for the provision of appropriate and cost-effective educational, social and cultural infrastructure contributing to the development of sustainable urban areas, with the following lots

      Contracting Authority:

      Plovdiv Municipality